Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
The Mental Health and Learning Disability Strategic Partnership provides multi-agency strategic oversight and leadership for delivering integrated services and support for mental health and learning disability services. It aligns with various strategic statements and acts, including the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014 and the Well Being of Future Generations Act.
The key aims of the strategic partnership are:
- Ensuring collaboration and integration between major partners, users, and carer groups.
- Implementing Part 9 of the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act 2014.
- Delivering priorities identified in regional strategies, particularly the 'Together for Mental Health Strategy'.
- Promoting emotional and psychological wellbeing and ensuring early access to prevention and intervention.
- Reducing social isolation and ensuring timely access to community, specialist, and inpatient provision.
- Supporting people with complex needs and enabling fulfilling lives for adults with learning disabilities and mental health difficulties.
- Reducing inequalities, discrimination, and stigma.
All-Age Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2024-2034
Welsh Government are currently drafting the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2024-2034 to replace the previous ten-year strategy, "Together for Mental Health," and to address the evolving needs of mental health and wellbeing in Wales. The strategy aims to improve and protect the mental health and wellbeing of people in Wales through an overarching vision, key vision statements and supporting principles.
The consultation included engagement with various stakeholders, including children and young people, and highlighted themes such as the importance of community assets, the need for a holistic approach, and the significance of addressing wider determinants of health. The feedback will inform changes and amendments to the final strategy.