Working together for a Healthier Gwent for the right care and support, in the right place, at the right time
This is to manage and develop services to secure strategic planning and working together. RPB's also need to make sure effective services, and care and support is in place to best meet the needs of their respective population. The goals of the Regional Partnership Boards are to make sure the partnership bodies work effectively together to: In Wales, there are Partnership Arrangements Regulations that says local councils and health boards must create Regional Partnership Boards (RPB). These boards help plan and work together to make sure that local care and support services are available for people living in the community. This way, we make sure the people in Gwent have the services and support they need. The Gwent RPB covers five Local Authorities including, Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Newport, Monmouthshire and Torfaen. The Gwent RPB has an important job to do:
The RPB focuses on helping:
Caerphilly CBC
Newport CC
Blaenau Gwent CBC
Torfaen CBC
Monmouthshire CC
Care Forum Wales
Citizen's Panel
Housing Rep
The Gwent RPB are currently reviewing the process for sharing meeting minutes but if you would like to discuss any aspect of RPB business please contact us at