Regional Partnership Board

Jane Doe

Working together for a Healthier Gwent for the right care and support, in the right place, at the right time

Gwent Regional Partnership Board

This is to manage and develop services to secure strategic planning and working together. RPB's also need to make sure effective services, and care and support is in place to best meet the needs of their respective population. The goals of the Regional Partnership Boards are to make sure the partnership bodies work effectively together to: In Wales, there are Partnership Arrangements Regulations that says local councils and health boards must create Regional Partnership Boards (RPB). These boards help plan and work together to make sure that local care and support services are available for people living in the community. This way, we make sure the people in Gwent have the services and support they need. The Gwent RPB covers five Local Authorities including, Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Newport, Monmouthshire and Torfaen. The Gwent RPB has an important job to do:

  • We look at what care and support services people in the area tell us they need, this is done through a Population Needs Assessment (PNA)
  • We write and share an Area Plan, and use the Area Plan to help improve or create care and support services that people tell us they want.
  • We make sure there’s enough money and resources to support these plans and the care and support services we have in Gwent.
  • Sometimes, the organisations who are a part of the RPB will pool money together to help deliver care and support services to make sure Gwent has the services and support it needs.

The RPB focuses on helping:

  • Older people with care and support needs, long term health conditions and dementia.
  • People with learning disabilities.
  • Unpaid carers and young carers.
  • Services that support children and families.
  • Children with extra care and support needs due to disabilities or illness.


Members profiles


Ann Lloyd



Phil Robson




Cllr Elaine Forehead


Caerphilly CBC



Sally Ann Jenkins


Newport CC

Tanya Evans


Blaenau Gwent CBC

Cllr Hayden Trollope


Blaenau Gwent CBC



Jason O'Brien


Torfaen CBC

Cllr David Daniels


Torfaen CBC



Jane Rodgers


Monmouthshire CC


Nicola Prygodzicz




Anne Evans



Stephen Tiley





Edward Watts



Melanie Minty


Care Forum Wales



Lorraine Morgan


Citizen's Panel


Paula Kennedy


Housing Rep


Luisa Munro-Morris


Blaenau Gwent CBC

RPB Meetings and Minutes


The Gwent RPB are currently reviewing the process for sharing meeting minutes but if you would like to discuss any aspect of RPB business please contact us at 


RPB Annual reports


Our Partners



Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Logo

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

Monmouthsire County Borough Council Logo

Monmouthsire County Borough Council

Caerphilly County Borough Council logo

Caerphilly County Borough Council

Newport County Borough Council Logo

Newport County Borough Council

Torfaen County Borough Council logo

Torfaen County Borough Council

Torfaen Voluntary Alliance logo

Torfaen Voluntary Alliance

Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisation Logo

Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisation