Welsh Language
The Welsh language strategic framework ‘More than just words’ aims to improve frontline health and social services provision for Welsh speakers, their families and carers. In keeping with the principles in the framework, the regional planning systems will include reference to the linguistic profile of local communities and ensure this is reflected in service delivery.
A detailed Welsh language community profile has been completed by local Public Service Boards (PSBs) for inclusion in the local Well-being Assessment in each area, and this PNA does not duplicate the information. This PNA will use the profile to effectively identify the actions required to deliver the range and level of services identified as necessary through the medium of Welsh.
The development of the joint Area Plan will set out the key actions required to ensure people needing care and support services can access support through the medium of Welsh. We have already taken steps by ensuring assessments - proportionate and/or care and support planning - include the ‘active offer’ to converse through the medium of Welsh. The active offer is made at the first point of contact within local authorities (this extends to social services Information Advice and Assessment (IAA) front doors and during integrated assessment (IA) stages). We will also work with workforce development colleagues to ensure sufficient welsh language support is available across health and social care.