Career College Consortium


The Career College Consortium is a unique approach that supports the development, qualification and recruitment of health and social care workers across the Gwent region.

The consortium has developed a new structure of working together between Coleg Gwent, Aneurin University Health Board, the five local councils and the University of South Wales. The consortium looks to develop and strengthen relevant work placements and experiential learning for health and social care students.

The consortium’s three aims are:

i. To help introduce a new source of staffing already engaged with the sector, delivering a sustainable pipeline of talent to local councils, hospitals, and local care providers.

ii. To support the principles of the Foundational Economy through the development of skills and talents within local communities while meeting the vision of Health Education and Improvement Wales’ and Social Care Wales’ joint workforce strategy.

iii. To make sure that Care has ‘currency’ and value in the region to a broad range of people who may be seeking to enter or progress within the Health and Social Care workforce.

This innovative, co-produced approach to solving the recruitment crisis we are facing health and social care was recently awarded Bevan Commission Exemplar status for 2020. We have also been made a Social Care Wales Accolades finalist. In October 2019 we won a Valued Partner, silver award from Careers Wales for our work with secondary school pupils across the region.

Care as Currency

The College Consortium has a suite of projects in progress to support its three key aims. This includes providing greater engagement, support and work opportunities for local health and social care students. Helping to develop the skills and talents within our local communities to meet future workforce demands.

‘Care as Currency’ is the public facing, umbrella brand for the different projects being developed by partners through the Consortium work programme.

Under the Care as Currency banner the consortium has recently developed a framework to support local students take part in social care work placements with the five local councils across Gwent.

Our 23/24 Annual Review provides a summary of the ‘Care as Currency’ programme to date, its successes, learning and future aspirations. The Consortium remains committed to its innovative, partnership approach to engaging with and developing local talent to meet the future health and social care workforce needs of Gwent.