These events are being run as part of our Regional My Brilliant Life project feeding into the Gwent Regional Partnership Capital Strategy priorities. The first of these events (14th February) will explore the themes of My Home, My Community, My Health, and My Daytime Opportunities and Support. Each group will look at one of these topics and alongside a creative facilitator will produce a creative conversation starter, either song, drama, art, or spoken word, to summarise their collective experiences, thoughts, ideas and hopes for the future. This link will take you to a short ‘What is a Hack-a-thon’ video that was created when delivering such events on behalf of the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Regional Partnership Board:
The second event (24th March) will look at the ideas of integration and what a good integrated health and social care service/hub could look like.
Location: University of South Wales, Newport
Refreshments and Lunch are included, Transport support is available.
Email -
Phone - 07539763877