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Micro Care

Micro Care Monmouthshire

The Regional Partnership Team has worked in partnership with Monmouthshire Council to come up with a new way to deliver care and support to people in the community. They have created a group of helpers called “micro carers.” These micro carers are self-employed, which means they work for themselves, and they care and give support to people in their local area.

Micro carers can care and support a small number of people who live nearby. This means they can give special, personalised care to each person.

One big benefit of micro carers is that they can offer more consistent and flexible care. Because they usually live close to the people they care and support, they know a lot about the local community and its resources.

Micro carers can help with many different tasks, such as:

  • Taking care of people at home
  • Giving breaks to regular carers
  • Organizing fun and healthy activities
  • Doing household chores
  • Taking care of pets
  • Shopping

This new approach aims to add to the existing care in the community by making it more personal and focused on the needs of each person through the help of micro carers.

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