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Older People


The priority outcomes identified through engagement with citizens, partners and use of the prioritisation matrix; and subsequently confirmed through consultation are:

  1. To improve emotional well-being for older people by reducing loneliness and social isolation with earlier intervention and community resilience.
  2. To improve outcomes for people living with dementia and their carers.
  3. Appropriate housing and accommodation for older people.




Across all local authority areas in the Gwent region, an increase in the number of people living with dementia is predicted. The increases range from 62.1% in Blaenau Gwent to 97.1% in Monmouthshire over the period 2013 to 2035.








All local authority areas across the Gwent region are predicted to see an increase. The predicted increases range from 44.9% in Blaenau Gwent to 71.6% in Monmouthshire.





When I was diagnosed with dementia I became depressed and didn’t leave my home, but the best thing that happened to me is that I met another person living with dementia who understood what I was going through. I am now very active thanks to her

Dementia Friendly Cafe Member

Summary and what we will deliver through the joint Area Plan:

  • Develop place based approach ‘Care Closer to Home’ including consistent delivery of community connectors across the region to reduce social isolation.
  • Further develop ‘Dementia Friendly Communities’.
  • Develop domiciliary care joint commissioning process with National Commissioning Board and linked to Care Standards Social Improvement Wales ‘Above and Beyond’ Report and the ‘Care and Support at Home’ Strategic Plan currently being developed by Social Care Wales.