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Unpaid Carers

Are you looking after someone who needs your help?

Sometimes, we don't realise that we're actually carers. We might be mums, dads, brothers, sisters, or friends, just doing what anyone would do—looking after our loved ones who needs support. If you're doing this, you're an unpaid carer. There are important things you should know to get advice and support.

Who are Unpaid Carers?

Unpaid carers are people who help their family or friends without getting paid. They take care of someone who needs their help. It's different from a job where someone gets paid to look after others. As an unpaid carer, you might be helping a relative, partner, or friend who is sick, weak, or has problems with their mental health or substance use. Young carers are kids or teens under 18, or young adults aged 18-25, who take care of a family member. That family member could have physical or mental health issues, a disability, or problems with drugs and alcohol.

Support for Carers

In Gwent, we team up with The Health Board, local councils, carers, and other groups to help support people who take care of others. You can find helpful information and advice in the links below.

Gwent Carers Grants Scheme

The Gwent Carers Grants Scheme helps people who take care of others. They can give support to help with things that the carer needs. This way, more carers can get the help they need. Carers can ask someone to help them to apply for these grants or apply themselves. To find out more, click here

Supporting Carers in The Workplace

If you have any good ideas or ways to help and support unpaid carers where you work, please let us know.

More Information
it,s cool to care banner

Work with Young Carers

Young Carers Book

It’s Cool to Care - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqWteRIbhArtfhO-aHQv3Dw/featured

Young Carers in school's programme

We are working hard to help support young carers in school. We've put a lot of effort into making sure they get the support they need. We know that sometimes Young carers have a tough time balancing their caring with school so it’s really important we have systems to understand, inform, identify, support, and listen to young carers.

There are so many things we do to support, we:

  • Teach school staff and students about the challenges young carers face.
  • Offer training for school staff who support schools in Gwent.
  • Have given all schools a young carers in schools policy.
  • Have assembly videos and resources in English and Welsh for students and staff.
  • Give information to school governors to help them understand the needs of young carers.
  • Send letters to families with details on how to get young carer services and assessments locally.

The Young Carers in Schools Programme is run by our Gwent Carers Hub

To find out more visit: Gwent Young Carers In Schools Programme - Adferiad

Young Carers ID cards

All Local authorities in Wales including Gwent have Young Carers ID card scheme. This scheme helps young carers be identified. Each area will have a different card design, but all cards will show the same logo.

If you are a young carer and want an ID card, please get in touch with your local authority Carers Team.

More Information