RITA, which stands for Reminiscence Interactive Therapy Activities has been developed by My Improvement Network. RITA technology aims to improve the care delivered to older people, those living with dementia, mental health conditions, acute brain injuries and learning difficulties to support them and reduce their agitation, isolation, depression and delirium.
RITA provides access to a range of meaningful activities through a touchscreen device and user-friendly interactive screens to blend entertainment with therapy and to assist patients (particularly with memory impairments) in recalling and sharing events from their past through listening to music, watching news reports of significant historic events, listening to war-time speeches, playing games and karaoke and watching films. RITA does not need to be connected to Wi-Fi as the applications and movies are saved locally, however, connecting the devices gives access to the use of the internet and video calling.
RITA in Gwent
- RITA was introduced across Gwent in 2014 with the number of the devices growing to 200+ in 2022
- Funding through the Gwent Regional Partnership has invested in RITA since 2019 working with all sectors to distribute RITA
- Types of RITA currently used across Gwent include ITU, Max and Mini
- RITA devices are being used within hospitals, care homes and social housing settings across Gwent
- A RITA Implementation Group is working to improve awareness, usage and sharing of good practices across Gwent
- Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Royal Gwent Hospital Case Study (myimprovementnetwork.com)
RITA Resources
RITA Training
AT Feedback / Impact Case Studies
- The Gwent RPB Assistive Technology programme welcomes feedback and case studies on AT devices and projects across Gwent, you can do this in two ways:
RITA Benefits
Whilst the primary purpose of RITA is to improve the quality of life and well-being, there are additional benefits and impacts listed on the My Improvement Network website:
- Reduced hospital admissions
- Reduction in the use of anti-psychotic and sleeping medication
- Reduced Length of Stay (LOS)
- Reduced delayed transfers of care
- Significant improvement in patients with dementia who are unable to sleep
- Supporting dignity, respect and well-being for patients at the end of life
- Improved interaction between carers and patient, and relatives and patient
- Reduced 1:1, 2:1 & 3:1 - High-cost care packages
- Improved mood and well-being outcomes for patients and carers
- Helps carers and family members to communicate more effectively with patients
- Care System Impact | My Improvement Network
- RITA empowering Integrated Care Systems (Video)
The [RITA] unit is brilliant in the way it can be wheeled from unit to unit and at a height that can be adjusted. It is fully packed with apps for all ages and abilities. Good to get residents of a certain age on technology, it will be greatly used and enjoyed by all.
We are currently using it [RITA] for the quiz feature, music and reminiscence aids. We have looked through all the programmes and there is definitely something for everyone. We have some ladies and gentlemen who spend more time in their room than others so we find that the ability to take it around and of course the tablet is fantastic.
RITA is a fantastic tool to provide meaningful activities and promote interaction of our Residents and it gives them so much choice so that their interests can be fully explored.
RITA Apps and Content (Over 60 Options)
- Delirium Toolkit
- DREAMS Delirium Rescue Pack
- Communication
- Show me where (non-verbal pain indication)
- Hear Me (real-time translation)
- Video calls via Zoom, Teams or Skype (if connected to the internet)
- Communication Assistant Tool (CAT)
- Entertainment Therapy
- Movie Night (over 100 licenced movies)
- Reminiscence
- Relaxation & Sensory
- Music
- Jigsaw, painting, word search, crossword
Get the Latest RITA News
The best way to keep up to date with RITA is through the My Improvement Network newsletter. It contains the latest news, tips and case studies from other people using RITA across the UK.
AT Feedback / Impact Case Studies
- The Gwent RPB Assistive Technology programme welcomes feedback and case studies on AT devices and projects across Gwent, you can do this in two ways: